Monday, August 18, 2008

How to remove a dynamically allocated i/o slot in a DLPAR in IBM AIX

To remove a dynamically allocated I/O slot (must be a desired component) from a partition on a P-series IBM server partition:

1) Find the slot you wish to remove from the partition:

# lsslot -c slot
# Slot Description Device(s)
U1.5-P2/Z2 Logical I/O Slot pci15 scsi2
U1.9-P1-I8 Logical I/O Slot pci13 ent0
U1.9-P1-I10 Logical I/O Slot pci14 scsi0 scsi1

In our case, it is pci14.

2) Delete the PCI adapter and all of its children in AIX before removal:

# rmdev -l pci14 -d -R
cd0 deleted
rmt0 deleted
scsi0 deleted
scsi1 deleted
pci14 deleted

3) Now, you can remove the PCI I/O slot device using the HMC:

a) Log in to the HMC

b) Select "Server and Partition", and then "Server Management"

c) Select the appropriate server and then the appropriate partition

d) Right click on the partition name, and then on "Dynamic Logical Partitioning"

e) In the menu, select "Adapters"

f) In the newly created popup, select the task "Remove resource from this partition"

g) Select the appropriate adapter from the list (only desired one will appear)

h) Select the "OK" button

i) You should have a popup window which tells you if it was successful.


lsslot -c slot; rmdev -l pci14 -d -R

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