Monday, August 18, 2008

How to find the world-wide name (WWN) of a fibre-channel card in IBM AIX

To find the world-wide name (WWN) or network address of a fibre-channel (FC) card in IBM AIX:

First find the name of your fibre-channel cards:

# lsdev -vp | grep fcs

Then get the WWN (for fcs0 in this example):

# lscfg -vp -l fcs0 | grep "Network Address"


lscfg -vp -l fcs0 | grep "Network Address"


Anonymous said...

Just what I was looking for, worked great!!!


Troy said...

On my AIX 53, lsdev -vp does not work.

Instead use,

lscfg -vp | grep fcs


lsdev -Ccadapter | grep fcs

to find your fibre channel adapter device names. said...

if you have sdd.

You can use :
datapath query wwpn

uday bhaskar said...

You can use lscfg -El fcsX IN old versions.

vasu said...

lscfg -vpl fcs0 for AIX anyversion to see WWN.

vasu said...

Aroubselscfg -vpl fcs0 for AIX anyversion to see WWN.

ben @ Geekswing said...

Hiya - nice post. Besides just wwn, if you want a lot more info, fcstat command is great (if avalailabe). e.g.

# fcstat fcs0


Device Type: 4Gb FC PCI Express Adapter (df1000fe) (adapter/pciex/df1000fe)
Serial Number: 1B84204CD5
Option ROM Version: 02E8277F
ZA: Z1F2.70A5
World Wide Node Name: 0x20000000C980DBE8
World Wide Port Name: 0x10000000C980DBE8

Supported: 0x0000012000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Active: 0x0000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Class of Service: 3
Port Speed (supported): 4 GBIT
Port Speed (running): 4 GBIT
Port FC ID: 0x000001
Port Type: Private Loop

Seconds Since Last Reset: 1219675

Transmit Statistics Receive Statistics
------------------- ------------------
Frames: 203978 407400
Words: 2862592 12623616

LIP Count: 1
NOS Count: 0
Error Frames: 0
Dumped Frames: 0
Link Failure Count: 0
Loss of Sync Count: 4
Loss of Signal: 0
Primitive Seq Protocol Error Count: 0
Invalid Tx Word Count: 7
Invalid CRC Count: 0

IP over FC Adapter Driver Information
No DMA Resource Count: 0
No Adapter Elements Count: 0

FC SCSI Adapter Driver Information
No DMA Resource Count: 0
No Adapter Elements Count: 0
No Command Resource Count: 0

IP over FC Traffic Statistics
Input Requests: 0
Output Requests: 0
Control Requests: 0
Input Bytes: 0
Output Bytes: 0

FC SCSI Traffic Statistics
Input Requests: 203340
Output Requests: 10
Control Requests: 51
Input Bytes: 51849495
Output Bytes: 252