Monday, August 18, 2008

chps - how to change your paging space (swap) in IBM AIX

To change your paging space (swap) in IBM AIX:

# chps [ -s LogicalPartitions | -d LogicalPartitions ] [ -a { y | n } ] PagingSpace


-s : specifies the number of logical partitions to add.

-a : specifies to use a paging space at the next system restart. Valid values are "y" or "n".

-d : specifies the number of logical partitions to subtract.

Example to add 16 logical partitions to paging00:

# chps -s'16' paging00

Example to remove 16 logical partitions to paging00:

# chps -d'16' paging00

Example to add 16 logical partitions to paging00 and make the change effective through reboots:

# chps -s'16' paging00 -a'y'


chps -s'16' paging00 -a'y'

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